Adventures in planche land (with parallettes)

I’ve been working on the planche move for a few weeks with one of my clients and we’ve spent the last week road-testing parallettes from Gravity Fitness.

As complete newbies attempting to the planche move (which appears to be a very very advanced move), my client and I have found the following differences between the parallettes and push-up handles:

  • As the parallettes are further from the ground, in some ways it is easier to achieve a planche tuck

  • There is more pressure on the wrists.

A big progression:

The biggest difference from my last planche work-in-progress video is that I'm now keeping my knees inside my arms when I try the planche tuck/hold. Previously I've been trying the planche with knees on the outside of my elbows but having attempted a parallette L-Sit-to-planche, I quickly realised that it wouldn't be possible to perform with knees outside. I’ve found that it is a lot harder keeping your knees on the inside of the elbows and places a lot more stress on the shoulders.

There's a lot more work to be done and many many progressions to achieve, but I don't think a proper planche is a million miles away.

Nick Shadbolt