Two examples that show what clients can achieve

I’ve had an amazing week with my clients and wanted to pick out two specific examples that I think illustrate what clients can achieve and why I love what I do:

Example #1:

One of my clients is in her early 70s. She’s an amazing lady; she pushes herself and is always open to trying new exercises. My session with her in the studio this week was a perfect illustration of what senior clients can achieve…

My client asked if we could try some TRX exercises because her son had shown her his suspension training equipment and she was intrigued. Despite having never used a TRX before, she performed the below circuit:

  • TRX chest presses (with just 1 foot on the floor)

  • TRX crunches

  • TRX back rows

  • TRX plank hold.

She then topped it off with hanging knee raises (from the wall rig) and (band-assisted) pull-ups. As anyone who’s used a TRX will tell you, performing crunches, rows or chest presses is hard - but my client took it in her stride and then was keen to try the hanging knee raises and pull-ups.

Despite never having done any kind of weight training before, my client has developed incredible strength, flexibility and has the kind of core strength that most 30yrs would die for. She has an amazing attitude, pushes herself and always wants to learn.

Example #2:

I am on a mission to dispel various fitness ‘myths’ and as a Dad myself, one of the first myths is that of the ‘Dad bod’. One of the first clients I signed up was a tall, relatively thin, very busy Dad in his late 30s. This week my client and I looked at ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures and we both realised how massive his transformation has been.

From being a lean, tall chap who struggled to put on muscle, he’s now in the best shape he’s ever been in: he has built considerable muscle mass, has very visible muscle definition and is super strong.

My client is proof that despite the ‘Dad bod’ cliche, you can be in amazing shape as a parent in your late 30s/40s.

Dispelling myths:

There are a lot of fitness myths about things like age and training. I’m on a mission to dispel these myths and will be doing a series of videos/posts on specific areas that I think need addressing and have the relevant experience to talk about. More to follow…

Nick Shadbolt