Learn how to box

Boxing is an amazing workout; it’s a sport that combines cardio, strength and power and mental agility. People who have learnt to box talk about the confidence it has given them, the physical and mental strength they’ve gained and the weight they’ve lost.

It’s also a sport that can be incredibly intimidating. I speak from personal experience having never done any kind of martial arts/combat sports before. However, having worked with a true professional, boxing has become a key part of my own - and many of my clients’ training programmes. Bearing this in mind, Spark Move Grow has created a 12 week ‘Introduction to Boxing’ programme specifically designed for clients who want to try something new and find a positive outlet.

The Programme

The ‘Introduction to Boxing’ programme has been developed in partnership with Francis Fisher. Francis has trained in the UK and Holland and has competed in professional boxing competitions across the world.

Developed specifically for clients who are new to boxing, the 12 week (‘At-home’) programme will give you a solid introduction to the key aspects of boxing:

  • Basic combinations and sequences

  • Footwork

  • Blocking and defence.

Your Journey

  • Phase 1: Basic techniques - Learn basic combinations and sequences, making sure proper form is kept and breathing when throwing shots. Build up length of combinations

  • Phase2:  Footwork - Learn basic footwork, learn to use the full space and distance

  • Phase 3: Endurance - Apply basic techniques and footwork in 6-12 x 3 minute “rounds” with pads. Test endurance

  • Phase 4: Defence & Blocking - Introduce basic blocking and defence techniques. Learn to be comfortable "under fire"

  • Phase 5: Defence & Attack - Learn how to turn defence into attack; blocking shots and throwing back

  • Phase 6: Introduction to light sparring - Start to spar with the jab very lightly over 8-12 x 3 minute rounds.

What clients have to say

If you’re looking for a highly proficient PT, Nick is your man! I came to Nick to learn how to box and I’ve learnt so much in such a short space of time. Nick isn’t scared to safely push boundaries and deliver a brilliant experience!
— Ed, h
I thought it was now or never to lose weight and looked at different ways of doing it -
running, fitness DVDs and the gym but nothing appealed to me. Nick asked me if I would like to try boxing and I haven’t looked back.

We have a boxing session every week, and although sometimes I don’t feel particularly enthusiastic in the morning, as soon as we get started I feel great and the session flies by. Nick constantly gets the best out of me and I come out of our sessions feeling good about myself; I can already see the weight loss and my overall fitness improving session by session. I’ve recently kitted out my garage with my own punchbag and ball to improve my speed, accuracy and my footwork.

If it wasn’t for Nick consistently getting the best out of me, I may have already given up. If you want to get involved in boxing, do have a chat with Nick. He’s a brilliant coach and a top bloke too.
I have always avoided exercise and have shied away from it since I was a child. However, after much deliberation, I decided I needed to get fitter and started training with Nick. Initially I was pretty nervous about training but it’s been amazing.

Having enjoyed our training so much, Nick suggested we try boxing training. As someone who finds the idea of boxing intimidating, I’d never have tried it, but now our boxing sessions are the highlight of my week.

Nick has taught me the techniques and built up my confidence; he reads my body and endurance so knows exactly what I can physically do. He’s also focused on boxing strategy because he knows I love the mental workout side of things. He isn’t scary and his first priority is my safety. We work incredibly hard, and have a hilarious time doing it and I honestly can’t recommend Nick enough.
I’d never even thought about learning how to box, let alone doing it, but it’s been amazing. I absolutely love our weekly boxing lesson: it’s a great workout - both physically and mentally, and although it is flipping hard work, Nick has a way of getting the best out of you without you even realising.

My boxing lessons have made me feel a lot more confident in myself and combined with my ‘DIY’ circuit sessions, I’ve achieved a level of fitness I never thought was possible at my age (49 years old). I’m also now the very proud owner of my own set of (pink) boxing gloves.
I’ve been doing boxing training with Nick for over 7 months and I can honestly say that it is the best stress reliever and most fun form of exercise I have ever had. Nick is an amazing coach; he listens, knows how to get the best out of me and always makes me feel at home in his gym.

I recommend Nick and his boxing training 100%. My boxing sessions are a great workout but have also been amazing for my mental health; if you’ve had a bad day or stressful time, I guarantee that an hour’s boxing with Nick will work wonders for your mental health”
— Maria, G
Learning the basics of boxing with Nick has been a lot of fun and something completely different to my normal fitness regime.

Starting with the basic punches and stance, Nick explained each technique and provided plenty of encouragement throughout the 12 sessions. Each lesson built upon the previous, and while challenging, I always ended the session feeling a sense of achievement. (I especially enjoyed working with the pads as there is something very satisfying about landing a punch just right and hearing the sound it makes on the pad)

I’d definitely recommend Nick to anyone wanting to improve their level of fitness, and the Introduction to Boxing programme is an ideal way to achieve this.
— Gavin, B